Craft Room
Feel free to move the tables around however they work for your group.
There are table risers available if you’d like to make your table height taller for standing.
There are 10 stools to help with circulation in your feet. They were recommended to me as the perfect height for underneath the tables. Unfortunately, the brand is Potty-Pedic, but hey whatever works right! Please place them back in the closet before you leave.
The thermostat for downstairs is in the craft room above the sink. If you decide to open the windows, please adjust the thermostat appropriately.
If you leave the retreat, please lock the door.
To lock – push the lock icon on the digital lock
To unlock – enter code and push the unlock icon
We have a water cooler in the kitchen for drinking. Please do not use the water cooler for cooking or making coffee. We have well water that goes through 2 filters before getting to the tap. You are welcome to use water out of the refrigerator if you’d rather not use the tap for cooking and the coffee pot as there is an additional filter in the refrigerator.
Please be sure to leave all remotes on the counter in the craft room where you found them.
Remember to sign the guest book located on the counter in the craft room!
Be sure to leave the cup holders and surge protectors on your tables, as well as the lamps with power cords. Please be careful when packing up. We have had a crock pot lid go missing, as well as a lid from a pot, and numerous towels. If you accidentally take something home, just let me know and we can work out how to return it. Accidents happen!
· Please remember to lock the door after your stay.
Guest wifi password is Sh@ntyTime915
If you use the DVD player, please make sure to pack up your DVDs and check it before you leave..
You can connect to your Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, etc. accounts on the Smart TV. Be sure to log out on your last day.
To switch between using regular TV, program apps, and the DVD player, push the source button on the remote.
If local channels are not coming in well, you can use the “antenna remote” to change the position to see if that helps.
You can connect to the sound bar to listen to music from your phone. Use the Vizio remote to turn on the Vizio sound bar. Then, connect to it on your phone.
The thermostat for upstairs is near the door to the big bedroom. Feel free to adjust the temperature and then turn it back before you leave.
When you leave on Sunday, please put bed sheets, etc. at the end of your bed or in the upstairs bathroom. Place towels in the laundry hampers in the big bathroom downstairs and in the bathroom upstairs. Don’t forget to check for stray towels amongst your belongings!
There are extra garbage bags under the kitchen sink, as well as dishwasher detergent and dish soap as needed.
Feel free to use the extra containers above the microwave for your leftovers. There are more in on the top of the refrigerator. If you have containers you’d like to donate to the Shanty, please wash and leave in that cabinet.
Please leave the kitchen clean. Wash and put away dishes. Load the dishwasher and run it before you leave.
Enjoy the deck and yard, but please remember we do not have access to the water. That is private property.
Upstairs Sitting Area
We now have a TV in the sitting area! It does not get antenna reception, but it does have an Amazon Fire Stick. The TV does not have a remote so you need to turn it on manually. The Fire Stick remote controls sound and choosing apps to use. You will need to sign into the Fire Stick and remember to sign out before you leave.
Upstairs Kitchenette
There is an extra refrigerator/freezer and Keurig for your use.
Although the boutique is now closed, we still have craft supplies for sale. It’s open on a trust basis during your stay. Keep items in a pile or if you are using them, write down on store log (please be very specific, especially with the Echo Park paper). The logs are located on the counter next to the sink in the craft room. We will be there to cash out everyone on Sunday between 10 am and 2 pm. If you leave earlier than that, please take your purchases with you and add items to store log. Please include name, phone number, and email so we can get in touch with you to arrange payment. We accept credit cards, cash, check, PayPal, and Venmo.
If you have any problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at 920.819.1426. If you have maintenance/building concerns, please call Chris at 920.819.1396.
Happy Crafting!